with issues
of privacy, licensing
...assignments, licensing & due diligence
About Copyright Practice
A copyright provides the author of work of art or literature, the right to control its use. In fact, anything that conveys information is protected by a copyright, which attaches to the owner when the information is created and fixed in a tangible medium. The author has the right to control how the information created by him/her is reproduced, distributed, adopted and displayed. STEVEN IVY P.C. specializes in copyright protection. The firm provides copyright services to large and small corporations, and individual authors. From technical manuals, books, artwork, photographs, websites, movie scripts to computer software, our firm helps clients to control and to protect their work. We help with registration, protection and management of all copyrightable materials. In situations where our clients' copyrights are violated, the firm provides a vigorous legal representation to obtain compensation for any losses suffered.
Comprehensive Copyright Practice
Our law firm goes beyond protection, registration and management of copyrightable works. In fact, one of our specialties is copyright counseling. The firm advises clients on various strategies that might be employed in obtaining and protecting copyrightable assets. Also, the firm helps clients with the creation of copyrightable documentation that should be utilized when employing contractors and subcontractors. Our copyright practice is efficient and cost conscious, with each account built around customer-defined objectives.
Global Representation
The firm identifies and prepares the registration of copyrightable materials not only with the United States Copyright Office (Library of Congress), but also with authorities abroad. The firm has been cultivating professional relationships with various attorneys and consultants abroad, who help our clients register, protect and manage their copyrightable works.
Search and Clearance Opinions
The firm also conducts searches of copyright titles and provides corresponding clearance opinions. The clearance opinion is a formal document identifying the authors, assignees and any licenses currently applicable to a particular work. The opinions are utilized to inform about possible infringements, and to make financial or marketing decisions.
Copyright Assignments and Licensing
As with patents and trademarks, for many companies and individuals copyright assignments and licensing represent a viable stream of revenue. As a result, for many companies, assignments and licensing play a key role in formulating financial and marketing strategies. Our law firm specializes in licensing, assignments, security interests and related financial agreements. We guide clients on copyright issues from the bidding process, through negotiations, to preparation of the necessary legal document and completion of the deal.
Due Diligence
The firm performs due diligence evaluations for clients involved in various intellectual property transactions. From status updates on copyright portfolios to critical valuations, our law firm can help even in the most complex situations. By the same token, our firm can handle due diligence investigations for clients involved in mergers and acquisitions. Our knowledge about the intellectual property portfolio management ensures that our review of the relevant documentation is done accurately and efficiently.